High-Intensity Dry Drum Separator

The Gradian Industrial Group’s High-Intensity Dry Drum Separator enjoys a magnetic field strength of about 7,000 gausses, making it possible to popularize hematite rock as well as low-grade magnetite waste. With the knowledge of our experts as well as magnetic analysis software, we have been able to design a high-intensity magnetic field drum separator that creates added value in the mines and also prevents the disposal of high-grade ore.

In many mines in the country, due to the lack of proper magnetic equipment, a mountain of waste is collected. A large part of this waste is composed of suitable grade stone, which is possible to recover them by using this drum separator.

Refining hematite rock grade

A magnetic field of about 7,000 gausses

Refining low-grade magnetite waste


Production of Metals


Refining hematite rock grade
A magnetic field of about 7,000 gausses
Refining low-grade magnetite waste

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